Title: Donkey in a green world / An imaginary exploration of how a donkey might experience the world / Texas Hill Country landscapes

Medium: Oil on Panel

Dimensions: 12″ x 12″ x 2″

Price: $500.00

Year Completed: 2024

Title: Donkey in a green world / An imaginary exploration of how a donkey might experience the world / Texas Hill Country landscapes

Medium: Oil on Panel

Dimensions: 12″ x 12″ x 2″

Price: $500.00

Year Completed: 2024

Title: Donkey in a green world / An imaginary exploration of how a donkey might experience the world / Texas Hill Country landscapes

Medium: Oil on Panel

Dimensions: 12″ x 12″ x 2″

Price: $500.00

Year Completed: 2024

Title: Seeing differently from two eyes  / An imaginary exploration of how a donkey might experience the world / Texas Hill Country landscapes

Medium: Oil on Panel

Dimensions: 24″ x 24″ x 2″

Price: $1500.00

Year Completed: 2024

Title: Seeing differently from two eyes  / An imaginary exploration of how a donkey might experience the world / Texas Hill Country landscapes

Medium: Oil on Panel

Dimensions: 24″ x 24″ x 2″

Price: $1500.00

Year Completed: 2024